Diamond Doberman Farm LLC
-A family owned and operated company-
Diamond Doberman Farm LLC is an AKC Certified European Doberman Pinscher Breeder just outside of Knoxville, TN. We have had many other dog breeds, but nothing quite like the European Doberman Pinscher. Our Dobies live a happy, beautiful life here out on our farm, at one with nature. We strive to be breeders that are happy and willing to help with all of your Dobie needs, even down to the small details. We are continuing to learn more about the Doberman breed along with the cognitive behavior of Dobermans and dogs in general. In the future we will be competing our Dobies in AKC events such as IPO/Schutzhund (now IGP), PSA, French Ring, Agility as well as personal protection for single owner and family protection. First and foremost, the most important thing right now is making happy and healthy Dobies for you and your family. This will include testing for all the breeding dogs. Testing and AKC paperwork will be provided with your new puppy including ear posting instructions, nutritional advice from our experience, puppy training support and lessons if desired. If a natural Dobie (no ear crop or tail dock) is desired please let us know ahead of time with full amount paid before litter is born. Tail docking happens at only a few days old so you will pick out your puppy on day two. All other puppies will be cropped and docked with a medium crop, unless a show crop is desired. If so, than let us know ahead of time. All medical procedures are provided for by us, so you will not be burdened by them.
Appointments to come meet us and the Dobies here at Diamond Dobermans are encouraged so you and your family can get a better understanding of the breed. Call, text, email, DM at Instagram, Facebook and even Tiktok. Add and subscribe to keep up on current events and when puppies are due, also to show your love and support. We greatly appreciate you, your business and your love for the European Doberman Pinscher as we do.
– Warm Regards,
Diamond Doberman Farm LLC